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Friday, August 31, 2007

Why are we blogging?

I just fished this out of the "Global Business Women" group at XING (

“So why should professional women blog?”

Bob wrote:

In a word, power.

It’s the power to create without the baggage of other people's limitations. In the blogosphere - some 70 million people worldwide and doubling every 6 months - general ideas rule, not preconceptions, as one 17 year old women found. Ashley Qualis’ ( has earned her over $1 million in advertising revenues by doing her business her way.

It’s the power to connect across all the borders and boundaries offline society thrives on. Nationality. Gender. Race. And across the subtler boundaries of occupation, profession, employer. Having a blog - which you can get for free or a few dollars a month - is like getting a magic passport that can instantly put you in touch with other people all over the world interested in exactly the same things you are.

It’s the power to become a leader, an authority, a person of influence outside all of the existing power structures all so very well established in the offline world. From the 22 blogs that are now among the top 100 web sites visited worldwide, to attorneys whose network of referring attorneys now resides in their blogs, blogging aggregates attention and authority as you post and interact with your readers.

"Your blog is your CV or resumé in a world where what happens online is increasingly important."

It’s the power to learn fast. Whether about the latest developments in your profession, a world crisis, what’s really happening inside the beltway, why are iPhones the new power status tool or any other topic people are interested in blogs have the traditional news networks, trade associations and specialty publications well and truly beat. Knowledge is power. And information from bloggers whom you’ve come to trust and from people who trust you because of what and how you blog - that is a new coin of power.

The best way to decide if you should be blogging is to start reading a few blogs.

Some of my blogs are:
The We Are What We Do 50/50 project
Frauke at Ode Magazine
AIESEC Imagine Community blog


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Anonymous said...

later mlis kentuckys execubooks stark arty akhand kale vitae alongside discharge
lolikneri havaqatsu