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Sunday, October 14, 2007

self Stakeholder Dialogues - Nina

1. What is your most important objective, and how can self help you realize it?
I have a great interest in new concepts. Concepts for innovation in society. How can we design our future and what is the role of social entrepreneurship in Germany? self is a network in Germany that I would like to be engaged with. The self network can help me to introduce me to new concepts to make them more tangible. Concepts that inspire me to work with them on social entrepreneurship in Munich.

2. What in the past has been your most useful contribution to your work?
Communication. I have appreciated in the past to get things done through personal talks or dialogue. AIESEC has been a very valuable platform to exchange ideas with like-minded people: working together, being at conferences, meetings, etc. Furthermore, the work in different networks: to discover similarities and to keep developing them together has been very useful.

3. What criteria will you use to assess whether self’s contribution to your objective has been successful?
Planting new ideas, new networks, knowledge sharing in regards to social pioneering. To discover my own contact nodes to products and services of self.. To establish a win-win relationship. To make my personal contribution and experiences in this area. If this is happening then self’s contribution is successful. I want to learn about concepts that are possible to implement in Munich, as well. I am hoping for inspiration to start this in Munich.

4. What would constitute success for self; what would success look like?
The people who work for self need to achieve personal financial sustainability. To be profitable. To create the opportunity for all self stakeholder to satisfy their needs, i.e. to learn and to reflect together. self is well-known as a brand in Germany. The selfHUB attracts interesting organizations/projects and those organizations work from the selfHUB because they value the network of social pioneers. self offers a room for creativity, dialogue, ideas. What is the new that emerges due to the fact that social pioneers are working together? How can competences through mentoring be passed on?

5. How could such a future success be prototyped and tested on a small scale, in order to “learn by doing”?
Asking selfHUB users: how effective is the network factor? What can we learn from other incubators at universities in Berlin? Exchange experiences with other consultants in this area. Ask social pioneers when they join the network: what do you expect from the selfHUB? What are your challenges? What are your needs?

6. What would be practical next steps?
Find exchange partners for a community of practice use the experience and learn with the international HUB network. Promote the concept through personal networks in Berlin and Germany. Build a pilot group of 2-3 social pioneers.

7. After this conversation: what is your burning question now?
What is self thinking about these questions? How can all self stakeholders connect?

8. Mark’s question: what will self do with the profits it makes?
Reinvest it in the own organization to develop new business areas. Fund new ideas by Social Pioneers. Develop new concepts. Start a Fellowship Programme? Start a self Foundation. Reduce prices for selfHUB users in need.

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