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Sunday, March 9, 2008

How to study worldchange management?

Through the Otto Scharmer Presencing online course in Fall 2007, I got in touch with one of the founding presidents of Gaia University Germany, Kathleen Batke. Meeting personally in Berlin a few months later, it was clear to me that in order to understand this new concept of university learning I need to experience it.

Therefore, I attended the introduction workshop of the Gaia University in the eco-village Lebensgartern Steyerberg in Lower-Saxony last week-end.

Getting to know other participants on the first day, we shared experiences in learning groups of 3 around the questions “What have been positive and negative learning experiences for you so far in life?”. I realized that my greatest learnings have been outside of the traditional school and university system. I have learned through experiences (being in other cultures) and working in teams project-based or learning in chaordic networks (e.g. in AIESEC, Pioneers of Change or self).

Gaia University offers a self-designed one-year learning path around a project that is changing the world. The application is a 10-15 pages essay describing the personal life learning plan.

Probably the hardest part of the application is to find the right topic and question for your project. I might apply next year and still have some time to develop this vision into a concrete project idea:

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