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Thursday, December 20, 2007

self meets AIESEC alumni

End of November, we had 20 AIESEC alumni visiting our space in transition. A ladder was transformed into a Hub Christmas tree and we used the Hub space to create 3 dialogue islands to talk about “What have change agents and social pioneers in common?”

AIESEC is the world’s largest student organization that develops change agents for a positive impact on society. self connects a new way of entrepreneurship: social pioneers. We started our conversations with the question: “What question is moving you at the moment as a change agent/social pioneer?”

Social pioneers from the self network hosted the 3 islands. Thank you to the following pioneers for sharing their insights on that evening. We generated some interesting thoughts also around the second question “How is your question reflected in your current work/project?”:

Conrad and Andrea from Land des Gelingens

Gertrud a systemic coach and pioneering teacher in Wedding and Anna Lena & Bieke from the Kaospilots

Sebastian from ecochoice and Basti, also an AIESEC alumni, from Helpedia

We continued our conversation (e.g. pro and conse of the basic income model) in a next-door Café.


Anonymous said...

Thank for organizing this get-together. Although I have to admit that the discussion about the difference between social-pioneers, change-agents and social-entrepreneurs confused me a little (maybe due to touch of fever I had), it was great to meet so many interesting people.

Keep up the good work!

Monty Bridges said...

Lovely blog you have heere