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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Frauke goes Hubbing in London

On Monday, I will get up at 04:30 in the morning in order to catch a flight to London. A full week of learning about hosting is lying ahead.

As usual, when I am going to chaordic places, I have packed some questions to meet Maria and the London hosting team:

  • How does the atmosphere for social innovation look/feel like? How do we create that atmosphere in the selfHUB in Berlin? How to create the selfHUB culture in Berlin?
  • How is the London hosting team learning together and exchanging experiences? How do the hosts work together?
  • What are selection criteria/competences for new hosts?
  • How are new hosts introduced to the Hub culture?
  • How to invite Hub users, hosts and network members to co-create? What has been the tipping point for the Hub London?
  • How to balance a business attitude with social innovation?
  • How do I facilitate self-organization?
  • What skills does one need to host other hosts?

Please come back on Tuesday to read about my first day at the Hub in London ;-)


The selfHUB said...

I just found more questions after reading some of the hosting articles:

- How do I invite people from the stage of confusion (e.g. searching for the meaning of social pioneering) to the next stage of self-responsibility and action?
- How does Social Pioneers leadership development look like?
- How can we create a learning environment where everyone is student&teacher and expert&apprentice at the same time?
- How can we as hosts support the multiple ways for users to connect with each other?
- What activities make people connect in the selfHUB?

Anonymous said...

It is draw?