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Monday, February 4, 2008

At the Hub in London - Day 1

So, I made it to the Hub this morning, after I have spent 2 hours on the bus from Standsted to the City, which was actually longer than the flight.

Despite the early hour, though, I managed to get some reading done on the plane: I discovered the variety of great initiatives started in the OpenSpace at the selfHUB Kick-off 10 days ago while reading the OpenSpace documentation.

Furthermore, I gained some ideas on strategic learning by reading “Path to Empowerment” (and an essay by Ian Cunningham on Self-Managed Learning.

Otherwise, my computer accepted the IT-infrastructure at the Hub right from the start and I was able to work just like every other Hub member today (around me are roughly 20-30 people working): getting used to the space and the people around me.

In the afternoon, a familiar face arrived: Lesley from South Africa, currently setting up Africa++ in London and a fellow pioneer in Pioneers of Change.

And guess what, where do you find the most relevant information in the Hub in London? Here is a picture from the toilet ;-)

And don’t forget, it’s Pancake (Tues)Day tomorrow! And I will probably dive deep into hosting issues with Maria.

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