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Friday, February 8, 2008

The Hub governance and Zero Carbon Britain – Day 4

This is a calmer day and I spent the morning looking at some of the Hub administration stuff (email lists and the Hub wiki) and gather my notes from the day before.

During the lunch break, I visit Cath who gave the talk on Tuesday evening in her Unpackaged shop on Amwell Street. I am blown away by the cute little shop she has: nice wooden and marble interior with organic food nicely displayed.

I spent some time with Manfred to talk about the Hub governance and the set-up of self in Germany.

Working with two women at one desk for a whole day, I discover that I sat together with The Nag team who have a similar approach like We Are What We Do to use little actions to change the world.

In the evening, I went to a talk about Zero Carbon Britain. It was good to be reminded again about the massive behavioural personal change that is needed to tackle climate change. Peter Harper was questioning us about what would it be like? If every citizen will have his/her own personal carbon budget? If there will be a very electric Britain powered by marine energy, wind power, and bio-energy? What are the implications for farming and land-use?

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