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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

selfHUB News - week 11

selfHUB Inside

  • We are looking for interns as successors for Babsi who is leaving us unfortunately after Easter. Do you know suitable people? Feel free to distribute the job description amongst your networks. For download go to self-News
  • We are looking for 30 new Hub Unlimited Members. We have printed new selfHUB postcards and have created some pdfs to distribute. You can get postcards from the Host-of-the-Day in the front of the selfHUB. pdfs for Start-ups/Freelancers and for an office in the capital are ready to download
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Stories from last week

  • Thu: Babsi talks in the selfSALON about her diploma thesis about self (more)
  • Fri: School intern Pamela has her last day in the selfHUB. Some of her impressions are captured in this Blog
  • Sat: Frauke signs one share for the co-operative Weiberwirtschaft
  • Sun-Tue: Kaospilots Team 1 are filming for their Road Movie on Social Innovation in the selfHUB/Berlin
  • Mon: first selfHUB Lunch with the BMW-Foundation and the Kaospilots

Upcoming Events

  • This week's selfSALON will be on Sat, 15.03, 19:30, Nollywood Film from Nigeria, afterwards discussion with the director
  • selfSALON 20.04., 19:00, short films "The future of work", in German with English sub-titles

The Market Square

The Hub in the Press

A big thank-you goes out to Franz for his short-notice but quick work on the layout of the new postcards, to Gertrud for volunteering to host last Friday, to Sebastian for the spontaneous selfHUB tour and to Babsi our super-trainee for the moral support and helping-hand during the Kaospilots visit!!!



Anke Rahusen has volunteered at the selfHUB Kick-off to take pictures on all 4 days. You can order pictures from the Kick-Off days from her (10 x 15 cm or 13 x 18 cm), for 5,– € each. Pick your pictures at:

Die PixelGräfin, Anke Rahusen



usedUNIVERSE said...

hi, is there a more active blog for the Hub Berlin?

Unknown said...

Yes, here:

Anonymous said...

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